Cliff's Notes...on Real Estate

Useful information YOU may use to help buy or sell SF Bay Homes in California. With a total of 39+ years of experience in real estate, I bring to the table what YOU want in your Realtor. Get a winning team in your corner when you sell or buy a home.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What a great day to get many things done from my "To Do" list. Don't forget the Farmer's Market downtown Redwood City.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Why's my dog all smiles? Oh yes, it's Friday...she gets fed today...good girl..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spectrum Magazine: FOX THEATER - Has a new owner . . .

Spectrum Magazine: FOX THEATER - Has a new owner . . .

Free Reports: Foreclosure/Short Sale Information:

Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within. -- Thomas Paine, statesman (These enemies have to die! Be a warrior.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hey everyone all real estate indicators are pointing up. Go out there and help someone buy their home TODAY! Need help? Email/Call me.