Cliff's Notes...on Real Estate

Useful information YOU may use to help buy or sell SF Bay Homes in California. With a total of 39+ years of experience in real estate, I bring to the table what YOU want in your Realtor. Get a winning team in your corner when you sell or buy a home.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cliff's Notes...on real estate August '08

· Do You Have Too Much Debt?
· On Choosing Your Battles Wisely
· Say What?
· Are You Educated – Really?
· How To Get Balanced
· Good Parenting Principles
· Some “Juicy” Facts
· Are You Seeing Red?
· Not-Reading Statistics
Cliff’s Notes…on real estate
News To Help You Save Time And Money August 2008
It’s Our Choice
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. “Well,” she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today.” So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. “Hmm,” she said, “I think I’ll part my hair down the middle today.” So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. “Well,” she said, “today I’m going to wear my hair in a ponytail.” So she did and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and noticed that there wasn’t a single hair on her head. “YEAH!” she exclaimed. “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

Attitude is everything – and it’s our choice!

Your friend, Cliff

Entrepreneur Tip
Starting a business can be tough – just ask anyone who’s done it. The hours are long and the initial pay is usually low to nonexistent. Nonetheless, almost 465,000 Americans take the entrepreneurial plunge every month. If you’re one of them, then you might want to take a look at your local community college offerings, where many of the programs are open enrollment. This flexibility is a good match for people interested in starting a business, and rather than pursuing a degree in entrepreneurship, you have the option of taking only a class or two to fill gaps in your knowledge.

Request a free copy of my service directory. All of the businesses listed in it have a proven track record for providing the outstanding customer service you deserve.

Do You Have
Too Much Debt?
How do you know if you have too much debt? Even if you earn a high income and are currently making your payments on time, you could be in trouble if your debt-to-income ratio is too high, says personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani-Cox ( Here are some warning signs:

· You have maxed-out credit cards, or cards that are pretty close to their limits.

· You use your credit card checks to pay your credit card bills.

· You can’t afford some of your payments, so you skip them.

· You’re not sure what your total debt is.

· You switch credit cards to get a lower rate because you can’t afford to pay the minimum on the card you have.

· You and your partner argue about bills.

· You’re stressing out or losing sleep over bills.

· When you apply for new credit, you’re turned down.

· You get phone calls from creditors or bill collectors.

· You’re using a credit card to buy things you need on a daily basis, like gas or groceries.

· You have a low FICO score because of the amount of your debt.

Khalfani-Cox says that if any of these statements describe you, you’re probably operating in the danger zone with your credit cards.
On Choosing Your Battles Wisely
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), the 26th president of the United States, was an extraordinary man: scientist, explorer, and cowboy, as well as an authority on wildlife. He wrote 36 books, more than 100,000 letters, and became president at the age of 42. It seemed there was nothing he couldn’t do.
July Quiz Answer

Question: If we’re discussing your terminal, lanugo, and vellus, what are we talking about?
Answer: Hair.

Congratulations to
Maria Peterson. She’s my hairdresser, so no wonder she knew the answer! Her name was selected at random from all of the correct quiz entries and you’ll receive $30.00 gift certificate from Crate & Barrel
Watch for your name in a coming month! Thank you to all of you who entered.

However, during his presidency, Roosevelt’s oldest daughter, Alice, caused him and his wife a good bit of trouble. Alice was beautiful, willful, and rebellious. She was seen smoking cigarettes in public and flagrantly flirting with men; she enjoyed carrying a live snake in her purse. The newspapers loved Alice, and Alice loved the attention.

One day, Roosevelt was asked why he didn’t keep his daughter more firmly under his control. He replied, “I can either run the country or control Alice, but I’ll never be able to do both.”

Roosevelt, who had mastered so much in the world, knew what battles he could fight and win. Even more important, the hero – who once led the “Rough Riders” to victory in the Spanish-American War – knew which battles to leave alone.

Do you know how to “choose your battles wisely”?
Say What?
We’re not afraid of challenges. It’s like we always say: If you want to go out in the rain, be prepared to get burned. – Anonymous Brazilian soccer player

Please provide the date of your death. – From an IRS letter

You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday.
– Sign in a Moscow hotel

Can’t act. Can’t sing. Balding. Can dance a little.
– MGM summary of Fred Astaire’s screen test

Traffic is very heavy at the moment, so if you’re thinking of leaving now, you’d better set off a few minutes earlier. – Anonymous traffic report

Go see it and see for yourself why you shouldn’t go see it. – Samuel Goldwyn

Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.
– Ivana Trump, upon finishing her first novel

And now the sequence of events in no particular order.
– Dan Rather, television news anchor

Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received notice that you passed away. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances.
– Department of Social Services, Greenville, SC
Congratulations to our Business of the Month…Maria Peterson of Styles Hair Design, 318 Arguello Street, in Redwood City, (650) 701-9999.
Here is what one customer said about Styles Hair Design: “5.0 of 5 stars. Great salon. Maria gives a great style at a very reasonable price.”
I have been going to Maria since 1988 and you know how great I always look. Give Maria a call and make an appointment. Be sure to tell her Cliff asked you to call her because like me, Maria does most of her business By Referral Only too!
Maria Peterson: 650.701.9999
Styles Hair Design
Are You Educated – Really?
Do you consider yourself an educated person? We’re not talking about where you went to school or how many Jeopardy answers you can come up with. We’re not even talking about everything you’ve learned from your experiences in the world. What we’re asking is, are you educated? Do you know what you do and don’t know? That is the true definition of an educated person.

Being educated means this: First, you recognize and admit what you don’t know and what you need to know. Once you’ve admitted to yourself and the world that you don’t know something, the next piece of being educated is knowing where and how to get what you need. Once you’ve got everything you need, the real trick is knowing how to use what you’ve gone out and gathered up.

August Quiz Question
Name the world’s
deepest lake.
Everyone who faxes, emails or calls in the correct answer by the last day of this month will be entered into a drawing for:
a $30 gift certificate to Crate and Barrel.
Author/publisher William Feather seemed to have gotten this right when he defined education this way: “An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you need to know; and it’s knowing how to use the information you get.”
How To Get Balanced
Life and work pressures can feel overwhelming at times. And when that happens it’s good to take a breather and remind yourself what’s important. Here are a few pearls of wisdom offered by Alan Weiss in his newsletter Balancing Act (www.summitconsulting .com/newsletter.html):

FREE! Home Seller’s Marketing Kit
If you’re thinking of selling now or in the future, get your free Home Seller’s Marketing Kit. This special kit has helped hundreds of sellers save tens of thousands of dollars and countless headaches (and lawsuits!). The kit contains
· Blank purchase contracts
· Sample purchase contracts
· Title insurance request forms
· Termite inspection forms
· Sources for signs
Try to remember that what you’re shooting for is success – not perfection. That should give some relief; you don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to make excuses for being human.

When you have time off, avoid checking email or voicemail unless you’re expecting something truly important. Why? You risk the chance of upsetting your peace of mind and your good night’s sleep if you see something that starts your mind working or worrying. Whatever it is, it’s likely that it can wait till you’ve relaxed, recharged, and gotten a decent night’s sleep.

When you’re feeling constantly bombarded with too much work, take some time to see if there are some areas you can streamline. You might be surprised at the labor-saving technology, devices and techniques that are available. But you have to take the time to find and put them into action.
Good Parenting Principles
When talking to your child, there are certain expressions that parents should avoid, according to Laurence Steinberg in The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting. Some of them are “Don’t talk back,” “You’ll know better when you’re older,” “If I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it,” and “Keep your mouth shut.”

Steinberg says that even though you may have to make a preemptive decision about your child, there are more polite ways to tell him. You don’t want your child to feel that whatever he thinks is automatically irrelevant because he’s young. In fact, Steinberg says as a parent you should treat your child with respect, and consider his opinions most of the time. Inevitably there will be times when the latter isn’t possible or advisable, but if children feel generally valued they’ll likely come to understand that you’re trying to make the best decision – even if they know they aren’t going to get their way.
Some “Juicy” Facts
Do you love fresh-squeezed juices? Many venues offer this “healthy” treat, and people are consuming large quantities of it. But when fruits or vegetables are fresh squeezed, according to the Food and Drug Administration, harmful bacteria, which comes either from the inside or the outside of the produce, can become part of your juice. That’s why most of the juices sold in the United States are pasteurized – to kill the harmful bacteria.

Some of us are especially vulnerable to the dangers of these bacteria, including children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. These people should avoid unpasteurized juices.
Home Of The Month
This month 2353 Ticonderoga Drive in San Mateo is our home of the month! This affordable home is located one block from Crystal Spring Shopping Center and HWY 92. It is a town home with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and 1 car garage. Priced at only $699,950. It is very nice.
See a virtual tour of this home:

Keep this in mind when you’re visiting farmers’ markets, grocery stores and health food stores that offer fresh-squeezed juices. Venues that sell containers of the juice must provide a warning label. But venues that sell fresh-squeezed juice by the glass, such as roadside stands, restaurants and juice bars, do not have to provide any warning that the juice you’re drinking has not been pasteurized.
Are You Seeing Red?
The color red is associated with mistakes and failures, experts say. And now researchers at the University of Rochester and University of Munich say that the color red can affect how people perform on tests. The study, which was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that people’s associations with colors are so strong and deep that people are predisposed to certain reactions when they see that color.

Red has been traditionally associated with errors in schoolwork. Therefore, says Andrew Elliot, lead author and professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, when people see even a flash of red before being tested, they associate the color with mistakes and failure, and in turn perform poorly on the test.

The researchers say the study shows that care must be taken when it comes to color and achievement, and that color can act as an environmental cue that influences behavior.
Not-Reading Statistics
· One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.

See An Interesting Home?
No need to wonder about the price. No need to call a high-pressure sales agent who will just make you feel obligated. My computers can send you the information quickly and easily for any house, listed or sold, anywhere in town.
Just ask me! It’s all part of my free, no-obligation HomeFinder Service.
Leave the address on my voicemail, anytime, 24 hours a day, and I’ll fax, mail or email all the information on that listing within 24 hours.
· Forty-two percent of college graduates never read another book.

· Eighty percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.

· Fifty-seven percent of new books are not read to completion.

· Seventy percent of Americans haven’t visited a bookstore in five years.

CLIFF’S NOTES…on real estate
Free Information Request Form
Please complete the box below and place check marks next to the free reports and information you’d like to receive.
Fax this form to 650-851-5442 or mail it to:
Cliff Keith, 2969 Woodside Road, Woodside, CA 94062 or just call me at 346-7366! email:

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Please send me the requested free information selected below via (__) Mail (__) Fax (__) Email.
Free Reports
(__) Protect Your Home From Burglars
(__) Five Deadly Mistakes Home Sellers Make
(__) Making the Move Easy On the Kids
(__) How Sellers Price Their Homes
(__) How to Stop Wasting Money on Rent
(__) How to Sell Your House For the Most Money In the Shortest Possible Time
(__) The 10 Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make When Buying or Selling a Home

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Do you have a family member or friend who would enjoy a free subscription to Cliff Notes…On Real Estate? Just provide me with their contact information, and I’ll add them to my mailing list.
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This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when the original author is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft.

Copyright 2008 Cliff Keith and Team of Coldwell Banker Realtors. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice.

Cliff’s Notes…on real estate
Cliff Keith and Team
2969 Woodside Road
Woodside, CA 94062



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